Who are we looking for?

Feel that you belong to a group of creatives?
You visualize well and come spontaneously
to unexpected solutions to challenges?

Every year, ICT County organizes free graphic design workshops - EDIT Graphic Design START!

Workshops are held once a week, and participants are divided into three groups of a maximum of 20 participants. The maximum number of participants is 60.

You're right ... it's almost impossible to find an offer like this anywhere else and that's why we don't want you to miss our unique workshops.

Radionice EDIT GD START su odgođene zbog COVID-19. Pratite nas za daljnje info.


Because we are aware of how difficult it is to get decent
education on graphic design and its tools at
our areas. Often these educations are high prices,
and the free ones are almost non-existent.

Therefore, whether it is a recent realization of your preferences
according to the design, previous lack of education or
the need to hone business skills, we believe
that it is time to do something about it and
take advantage of the opportunity offered.


• basic theory and principles of graphic design
through examples and assignments
• basics in Affinity Designer and
Affinity Photo
• create basic visual solutions
• steps and process of creating a visual identity

calendar  WHEN?

Workshops are held once a week. Participants receive a detailed schedule by e-mail after registration and closing of applications.


location  WHERE?

University of Split, PICS @ FESB
Ruđera Boškovića 32, 21000 Split

But that's not all!
You won't get a set on this set of
knives, but you will participate
in the competition for
valuable rewards.

Kreatori najboljih radova će biti nagrađeni s jednom od vrijednih nagrada: grafičkim tabletom, plaćenim licencama za Affinity programe i prijenosnim hard diskom od 1TB!

All you have to do is check in on time and not miss more than twice in a row!





Who's the mentor?


Nikolina Jerković, owner of Llano agency and
graphic designer with many years of experience
in the profession and with several already successfully held
graphic design workshop.

About us


Graphic Design START are free workshops for
beginners held as part of the ICT project
County in the Pre-Incubator IT Center SDŽ
PICS @ FESB, Ruđera Boškovića 32, Split.
With the ICT County project we want to promote,
launch and improve the IT sector in the area
Split-Dalmatia County.


Partner companies

